Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Biografi Nyonya Meneer

Keterbatasan bisa menjadi motivasi, keprihatinan dapat memacu kreativitas. Pengalaman hidup Nyonya Meneer merupakan contoh paling tepat. Keterbatasan dan keprihatinan masa pendudukan Belanda di awal 1900-an tidak menjadikannya putus asa di saat sang suami jatuh sakit. Berbekal sedikit pengetahuan, Nyonya Meneer meracik aneka tumbuhan dan rempah untuk diminum suaminya. Ternyata ramuan itu mujarab, padahal berbagai pengobatan tidak mampu memulihkan kondisi sang suami tercinta.

Para kerabat dekat di Semarang segera mencium 'dingin'nya tangan Nyonya Meneer mengolah jamu. Nyonya Meneer yang ringan tangan dan sangat peduli pada orang-orang di sekitarnya dengan senang hati meracik untuk mereka yang demam, sakit kepala, masuk angin dan terserang berbagai penyakit ringan lainnya. Sebagian besar yang mencobanya puas.

Semakin banyak yang merasakan khasiat jamu racikan Nyonya Meneer, semakin banyak pula permintaan padanya untuk mengantarkan sendiri jamu yang belakangan mulai dikemasnya itu. Kesibukan Nyonya Meneer di dapur tidak memungkinkan untuk memenuhi permintaan itu. Dengan berat hati dia minta maaf, dan sebagai ganti dia mencantumkan fotonya pada kemasan jamu buatannya. Tak ada yang keberatan, tak ada pula yang menduga bahwa di kemudian hari, jamu dengan potret seorang wanita ini melegenda. 

Berbekal perabotan dapur biasa, usaha keluarga ini terus memperluas penjualan ke kota-kota sekitar. Bahkan, pada tahun 1919, Nyonya Meneer berhasil mewujudkan impiannya, mendirikan perusahaan "Jamu Jawa Asli Cap Portret Nyonya Meneer di Semarang". Untuk mempermudah pelanggan Nyonya Meneer juga membuka toko di Jalan Pedamaran 92, Semarang. Perusahaan terus berkembang dengan bantuan anak-anaknya yang mulai besar. Seorang putrinya, Nonnie hijrah ke Jakarta pada tahun 1940. Dialah yang merintis dibukanya toko Nyonya Meneer, di Jalan Juanda, Pasar Baru. Jamu yang tadinya muncul dari keterbatasan dan keprihatinan ini pun masuk ke ibukota dan meluas ke seluruh penjuru negeri.

Jamu sudah dikenal sudah berabad-abad di Indonesia yang mana pertama kali jamu dikenal dalam lingkungan Istana atau keraton yaitu Kesultanan di Djogjakarta dan Kasunanan di Surakarta.

Jaman dahulu resep jamu hanya dikenal dikalangan keraton dan tidak diperbolehkan keluar dari keraton. Tetapi seiring dengan perkembangan jaman, orang-orang lingkungan keraton sendiri yang sudah modern, mereka mulai mengajarkan meracik jamu kepada masyarakat diluar keraton sehingga jamu berkembang sampai saat ini tidak saja hanya di Indonesia tetapi sampai ke luar negeri.

Bagi masyarakat Indonesia, Jamu adalah resep turun temurun dari leluhurnya agar dapat dipertahankan dan dikembangkan.

Bahan-bahan jamu sendiri diambil dari tumbuh-tumbuhan yang ada di Indonesia baik itu dari akar, daun, buah, bunga, maupun kulit kayu.

Sejak dahulu kala, Indonesia telah dikenal akan kekayaannya, tanah yang subur dengan hamparan bermacam-macam tumbuhan yang luas.

Tanah yang subur dengan kekayaan tanaman sangat mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia karena mereka bergantung dari alam dalam usahanya untuk memenuhi bermacam-macam kebutuhan. Pengolahan tanah, pemungutan hasil panen, proses alam tidak hanya menghasilkan makanan, tetapi juga berbagai produk yang berguna untuk perawatan kesehatan dan kecantikan.

Leluhur kita menggunakan resep yang terbuat dari daun, akar dan umbi-umbian untuk mendapatkan kesehatan dan menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit, serta persiapan-persiapan lain yang menyediakan perawatan kecantikan muka dan tubuh yang lengkap. Campuran tanaman obat traditional ini di kenal sebagai JAMU. Dimana Indonesia dikenal sebagai Negara nomor 2 dengan tanaman obat tradisional setelah Brazilia.

Bahan-bahan JAMU 

:: ALOE Lidah Buaya 
Aloe vera extracts are used in the West externally for soothing burns and skin sores while internally the plant is increasingly marketed as a tonic remedy. It is strongly purgative (it was once known as "bitter aloes") and is a household standby for constipation. In Indonesia it has been used as a draining remedy since the eleventh century.

:: BOTANICAL NAME : Aloe vera L.
:: COMMON NAME : Aloe FAMILY Liliaceae / Aloaceae
:: PART USED : Leaf juice
:: TASTE : Bitter

Liver, stomach, large intestine

Purgative, stimulates bile flow, wound healer, tonic demulcent, antifungal, stops external bleeding, sedative, expels parasitic worms.

- to purge heat and fire in the liver and large intestine
- to move stools
- to strengthen the stomach

1 - 2 grams (3/100 - 7/100 ounce)

Shampoo Aloe vera (Normal and dry hair) Aloe Tonic Lotion (Closes purifies pores, normal and dry skin)

Aloe is used with herbs like Baical skullcap and 'Long Dan Cao' for excess heat in the liver channel associated with abdominal pain and headaches.
Also mixed with Rose hips, Jasmine and other herbs used for Traditional Hair Tonic  

:: CINNAMON (Kayu Manis) 
Both the twigs and bark are used medicinally - the bark is considered to be the hotter of the two and affects central parts of the body, while the twigs is seen as warming the terior and peripheries - in the same way that twigs represent the outermost parts of the tree.

:: BOTANICAL NAME : Cinnamomum cassia
:: COMMON NAME : Cinnamon, Cassia
:: PART USED : Twigs, bark, fruit
:: TASTE : Pungent / sweet

Heart, lung, urinary bladder

Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, analgesic, relieves flatulence and indigestion, improves heart function, stimulates urine flow.

- to warm the channels and collaterals
- to disperse cold
- to improve circulation of excess vital energy
- to strengthen heart excess yang

3-9 grams (1/10 - 1/3 ounce)

Jamu Sakit Pinggang (Kidney complaints and back pains)

Often used with Ephedra for exterior cold - such as common colds and arthritic problems. Used with Tuckahoe, Liquorice and Red sage for various heart-related problems, including angina pectoris, and with Evodia for abdominal and period pains associated with cold.
Also used with Fennel (Foeniculli fructus), Ginger (Zingiberis rhizome) and other herbs effective for kidney ailments such as: lower back pains, inability to sit for a long time, fatigue, and dizziness.

:: FENNEL Adas 
Fennel has been cultivated in Europe since Roman times and the Greeks called the plant marathron reputedly derived from a verb meaning "to grow thin" as it was an early slimming aid. In Indonesia, it has only been used since the eleventh century. The seeds are considered an important warming remedy for stomach problems and are also believed to affect the liver.

:: BOTANICAL NAME : Foeniculum vulgare L.
:: COMMON NAME : Fennel
:: FAMILY : Umbelliferae, Apiaceae
:: PART USED : Seeds
:: TASTE : Pungent

Heart, lung, spleen, stomach

Anti-inflammatory, relieves flatulence and indigestion, circulatory stimulant, stimulates the flow of milk, stimulates urine flow, mild expectorant.

- - to regulate energy and alleviate pain
- - to warm the stomach and middle
- 'triple burner' area

3-9 grams (1/10 - 1/3 ounce)

Jamu Selinjong (Aids digestion and blood circulation)

Used with Cinnamon, Ginger or Magnolia officinalis for problems associated with cold in the stomach - including colicky pains, poor appetite, indigestion and vomiting.
Mixed with Javanese long pepper (Retrofracti fructus), and other herbs good for both men & women which keeps the body fresh, healthy and strong, it improve sleep and appetite, facilitates bowel movements and aids indigestion, also regulates blood circulation. 

:: GINGER ( Jahe ) 
Fresh ginger is used as a warming remedy for wind-cold chills. Dried ginger has a more tonic action. The peel of fresh ginger root is used as a diuretic. It is suggested in Asian traditions that long-term use will "enable one to communicate with the spirit". Ginger is widely used in Indonesian traditional medicine to reduce the toxicity of other herbs.

:: BOTANICAL NAME : Zingiber officinale Roxb.
:: COMMON NAME : Ginger
:: FAMILY : Zingiberaceae
:: PART USED : Leaves
:: TASTE : Pungent

Heart, lung, spleen, stomach

Combats nausea and vomiting, antispasmodic, antiseptic, relieves flatulence and indigestion, circulatory stimulant, induces sweating, expectorant, relaxes blood vessels, topically: increases blood flow to the skin causing reddening.

+ Fresh Ginger 
- releases the exterior,
strengthens defensive energy,
- and disperses cold
- warms the middle 'triple burner' part of the body.
- reduces toxicity of other herbs
+ Dried Ginger
- restores yang
- warms spleen, stomach and the lung, and resolves phlegm

3-9 grams (1/10 - 1/3 ounce)

Jamu Ngeres Linu (Body aches, rheumatism, insomnia)

Used with Liquorice and Ginger for cold deficient stomach syndromes; with White atractylodes for deficient spleen; and with Pinellia and Panax ginseng for deficient cold. Ginger is used with Pinellia for vomiting and damp phlegm and with Jujube for external wind-cold.
Also mixed with Turmeric (Curcumae rhizome), Key turmeric (Panduratae rhizome), and other herbs for both men and women who work hard, it eliminates body aches, such as: backaches, inability to sit for a long time, premature fatigue, and insomnia.


The Production Process of Jamu Nyonya Meneer
Dry Simplisia Warehouse
Maxing of Formulated Simplisia & Raw Materials
Grinding Process (Rough & Fine Grinding)
Jamu Warehouse (Jamu Powder prepared for packaging)
Laboratorium & Quality Control
Physics / Chemistry / Microbiology
Pill Powder Jamu Powder /
Pill making Process Jamu machine falling
Pill wet sorting Jamu Packaging
Pill weighing and calculation
Pill Packsging
Extract Powder
Maceration & Filtration Process
Evaporation Process
Pressing Machine
Distillation Process
Oven Drying
Grinding – fine powder
Capsuling process
Quarantine of Finished Goods
Laboratory for Quality Control
Finished Goods Warehouse
Delivery Warehouse.

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